Small Commercial Builders License


Every boat built to our design is assigned a unique Hull Identification Number (HIN) that must be permanently attached to each individual hull in a location that is open and easily viewed. This HIN is your proof of licensing our design. An individual, Limited Company, or Corporation who builds a boat, or boats, from our CNC Kits for resale is considered a Commercial Builder and must become a Licensed Builder in agreement with Metal Boat Kits. A License fee for each boat is due at commencement of each hull build before you use our file to cut plates. (The license fee paid at the time of purchase is for the construction of the FIRST HULL ONLY.  All subsequent hulls constructed require payment of  50% of the original licensing fee unless another agreement is in place. An HIN and COA will be issued for each hull upon receipt of the license fee. This must be done to ensure each boat is legal. Unlicensed/unauthorized boats built for resale will have a designers lien placed against them and legal action will be taken to recoup outstanding fees.


For smaller builders wishing to build limited runs of our Boats on a Per Design basis:
In order to become a SMALL COMMERCIAL BUILDER (with exclusivity***) you must **pre-pay an annual licensing fee for a *minimum of:

  • 10 Boats per year in the 3.5m – 5.9m range. Or;
  • 4  Boats Per Year in the 6m – 10m Range. Or;
  • Above 10m or more than 10 boats  – See Franchise Licensing Section

** Small Commercial Builder License fees are 50% of the advertised licensing for each hull built after #1. (*All boats produced above the minimum number of units must be reported and 50% license paid per boat on those as well). Unused HIN’s are not transferable to the following year.
*** Commercial Licenses are issued for a calendar year, but may be pro-rated if starting mid-year. (6 months or less would be ½ a yearly fee).
*** NOTE Small Commercial Builders can also ‘pay as you go’ at 50% per boat without exclusivity in your area.
*** NOTE 2 In some cases other builders may already be building certain models under a ‘pay as you go’ agreement in your area. In that case we can only offer ‘pay as you go’ licensing without exclusivity.

Each Commercially Licensed Builder has the option to receive space on the websites “Builders” page to advertising their business, photos of their builds, links to their website and contact information.


Partnered Commercial Builders will be assured that no other commercial builder will be licensed in their Territory while they hold a valid license agreement ( Commercial Licenses are granted on a per design basis unless you are a Franchised Builder.) (Territories may be considered abandoned 8 weeks after expiry of the Licensing Contract if not renewed. Contact us if you are still active).

Private Builder License
Commercial Builder License
Franchise License
Custom Design License


OWNERSHIP OF PLANS  Unless otherwise agreed to by MetalBoatKits in writing the Owner is authorized to build only one vessel from the design. Drawings and Specifications are supplied as instruments of service and are owned by, and shall remain the property of, the Designer. Additional hulls may be licensed for 50% of the original fee. Please contact us regarding additional builds prior to use of the files so that we may authorize use and issue licensing documents.

Upon completion of the vessel all Plans and Specifications used by the Builder during construction shall be returned to the Designer, or otherwise destroyed. All computer files such as CNC Nests, AutoCAD Drawings, must be deleted upon completion of the vessel. Any distribution, sharing, or re-use of these files is a violation of international copyright  law.
