Franchised Builders License


Our Franchise License entitles the Builder unrestricted access to our **entire catalog (see exclusions below) and Territorial Protection on all current and future designs in our stock catalog, as well as Territorial Protection for the Builders Territory. A Franchised Builder pays a yearly flat fee of $7500 USD for unlimited builds. We also include unlimited technical support and reduced rates for custom design, modifications, and marketing illustrations.  For builders building multiple units of our smaller boats or a few of our larger boats this is a great deal not to mention having access to a design department for things like marketing illustrations with your trade dress, and brochures etc.

**Includes CNC Cutting Files for all of our boats up to and including 29.5 feet [9m]. On boats above 30 feet our franchisees get 50% discount.


Partnered Commercial Builders will be assured that no other commercial builder will be licensed in their Territory while they hold a valid license agreement (Territories may be considered abandoned 8 weeks after expiry of the Licensing Contract if not renewed. Contact us if you are still active).


OWNERSHIP OF PLANS  Unless otherwise agreed to by MetalBoatKits in writing the Owner is authorized to build only one vessel from the design. Drawings and Specifications are supplied as instruments of service and are owned by, and shall remain the property of, the Designer. Additional hulls may be licensed for 50% of the original fee. Please contact us regarding additional builds prior to use of the files so that we may authorize use and issue licensing documents.

Upon completion of the vessel all Plans and Specifications used by the Builder during construction shall be returned to the Designer, or destroyed. All computer files such as CNC Nests, AutoCAD Drawings, must be deleted upon completion of the vessel. Any distribution, sharing, or re-use of these files is a violation of international copyright  law.
