Known Pirates:
This is something we’ve avoided doing up till now. But with a alarming number of fake “Designers” & “Naval Architects” popping up everywhere online. And even some builders illegally representing our work as their own, we feel it’s in the interest of public safety to make note of people that are selling fake products or designs that are based on our engineered boat designs and CNC kits. In most instances these pirated “designs” should be considered unsafe having been reverse engineered by people who know nothing of marine engineering. There are also a number of unscrupulous builders offering production boats built directly from our pirated files, or builders who use our files for serial production, who do not have a production agreement with us. These boats do not carry our Authorized Serial Numbers and will be subject to designers liens or seizure. If you suspect a source of plans, or a builder to be illegitimate, please contact us you may save someone’s family a lot of grief.
Turkish Builder Selling Our Plans Illegally:
We’ve had several complaints of a builder in Turkey ALÜMİNYUM TEKNE İMALATI working out of Tuzla Tersaneler Bölgesi / İstanbul shipyard who’s illegally selling our plans and CNC files on Facebook as well as offering to build our boats without a contractual agreement to do so. The owner is Özlen Alkan. We strongly recommend avoiding this company as any vessels completed without serial numbers registered with us may be subject to designers liens or litigation. Any purchase of plans or CNC files from this vendor is illegal for both the purchaser and seller.