MT34 WIDE CABIN – 34 Foot 10.3M Catamaran Landing Craft – Wide Cabin

LOA – 33.6 Ft (10.24 Meters)
Beam – 11.5 Ft (3.5 Meters)
Draft: – 18″ (45 Cm)
Molded depth at Transom – 34″ (864 Cm)
Deadrise – 18 deg.
Crew – 5
Light Ship (Trailer Weight/No Cargo) – 9500 Lbs / 4310 Kg
Fully Loaded – 15,000 Lbs / 6800 Kg
Cargo Capacity – 5000 Lbs / 2495 Kg
Max Power – Outboard 400 HP
Twin 150HP – 32 Knots
Twin 250HP – 42 Knots (Est.)
CE Category – “C”
Lloyd’s Service Area – G2 (Coastal)
Lloyd’s Service Type – Workboat



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MT34 – 34 Foot 10.3M Catamaran Landing Craft Aluminum Boat Kit – *Wide Cabin Model*

See our extensive MT34 build gallery: click here

By request we’ve created a Full-Width Cabin Version of this popular landing craft. Nicknamed “The Beast” during design, this very versatile workboat can handle serious loads for her size. Whether you need a Landing Craft, Dive Boat, Recovery Platform, Fish-Farm Tender, Portable Work Platform, Crew Boat, or ALL of the above, she can handle the job. This is a “Do Anything” coastal worker. Designed to Lloyd’s Registry Small Craft Scantlings rules for workboats she’ll pass muster in any workboat category.

The through-deck Moon-Pool was removed on this version however she can be built without the moon-pool as well.

Other cabin sizes and configurations can be created as modifications to suit the owner/builders needs. You may need an open deck with center console, or a small hardtop for instance. Or a larger cabin for crew-boat or water-taxi type of operations. (The cabin just sits on top of the deck). And in the cutting files the cabin is on separate aluminum sheets for this reason. She can be ordered with no cabin as well.

1/4″  (6mm) bottom plating with beaching plates means never having to worry about landing on gravel shorelines, and her twin hulls mean you can ground her on any tidal flat and she’ll sit level to provide versatility. Catamaran hulls lend themselves to beached stability better than any mono-hull Landing Craft.

Outboard power allows for a range of powering options depending on budget or speed requirements and affords the busy commercial operator the ability to upgrade or re-power at any time without significant downtime.

Contact us to discuss any additions or modifications you require, or if you would like to see this boat in other sizes. The long-term goal is to add several more Landing Craft of different sizes to our catalog so we’d be happy to discuss your needs.

Commercial Builders Welcomed.


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